Moonlight Bowl, April 2007

Seeking some redemption for our mediocre attempt at skiing Kaleetan Peak earlier this year (horrible snow conditions and deteriorating weather conspired against us), Brian Merkley and I decided to explore the slopes around Stevens Pass. With the recent onslaught of bluebird powder-day reports and photos of descents in Moonlight Bowl on Turns-All-Year, I simply had to check the area out for myself.
Parking at the standard Skyline Ridge parking area (across from ski area), Brian and I donned our skis and made short work of the 'trail' to Skyline Lake. Oops, too far! Traversing right from the lake, we gained a shallow saddle overlooking Nason Creek Valley with Lichtenberg Mountain beyond. Although descent options directly beneath the saddle and on nearby slopes are available, we proceeded right (northeast) towards the fabled Moonlight Bowl overlooking Hwy 2. A short skin along an aesthetic ridge top soon saw us to the ideal drop-in spot. Rock-paper-scissors...ok, Sergio goes first! (more...)
Click here for photos.