Mount Washington (Olympics) - Winter Direct, April 2007

Martin and I paired-up for what would be my first outing of the season. Going on Martin's suggestion, we set our sights on Mount Washington's Winter Direct - a Winter or Spring snow climb. The route itself featured mostly low to moderately angled snow, except for the last 200 feet which is steep snow and rock. Cloud and fog obscured the proper finish on the day we climbed the route, and we somehow ended up at a nearby notch on the Southeast Ridge instead (above Suprise Coulior).
To get there, we drove US 101 to Hoodsport and then turned left (west) on HWY119 towards Lake Cushman. We remained on this road until coming to a stop sign at the junction with FSR24. Turning right here, we continued on un-paved road following a sign directing us to Mt. Ellinor. Next, we turned left on FSR2419 and continued until stopped by snow shortly before the lower trailhead to Mt. Ellinor. We continued on foot, passing FSR014 on the left. We hiked along a somewhat rough section of road just before a waterfall at a sharp bend and continued just past the second branch of Big Creek before reaching the Jefferson Pass Trail (sign here). We hiked the trail to the timbered pass then turning left began booting up snow along the base of the East Ridge. We soon got cliffed-out and were forced to make two rappells to reach easier terrain in the basin between the East and Southeast Ridges. (more...)
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