Snoqualmie Mtn - Slot Coulior re-revisited, April 25
I had some unfinished business to attend to after passing on this line back in February. I dunno, call me crazy, but riding down steep water ice doesn't exactly appeal to me. So come late April, I again found myself staring down the Slot's throat pondering the descent - my third time, in case anyone's counting. Wow, what a difference a 'little' more snow makes. This time the drop-in was positively easy and the powder deep, light and this really April?! No hesitation, no second-guessing; the ride down was a blur of face shots, exhilaration and soul-surfing solitude. Well, that is until I exited onto the apron below the coulior where an audience of four skiers demanded a strong finish. Don't wipe-out now you silly snowboarder! haha! I followed the foursome back out to the saddle above the Phantom and skinned back up for a second run, this time without anyone to share it with. Down again, and back out again. An undeniably popular, but deservedly classic line!