Bedal Peak - Northwest Ridge (attempt), April 2006

I originally intended not to post this report, but I can't seem to help myself. In any case, though the ski descent proved to be a disappointment, the beautiful weather and views of peaks still firmly in the grip of Winter proved worthy of sharing. Not to mislead anyone - I'm sure the ski descent of Bedal's North Slope (as we'd intended) would be a fine outing. Certainly Paul Klenke's March '06 post on revealed the obvious ski-descent potential of the North Slope. As a matter of fact, Paul's vivid photos are what first lured me to attempt the peak.
Anyway, my powers of persuasion must be good, for I managed to convince Eric Houtkooper Jerry S. and Cosmo (Jerry's dog) into joining me. Approaching from north on the MLH, we took a left onto FR-4096 (not shown on the USGS map). Based on Paul's information, we stopped a few hundred yards before the second switchback where a boot path cuts left into the woods (c. 2,100 ft near Merry Brook). The path was promptly lost, after which an annoying ascending thrash-traverse was endured before encountering small boulder slopes in the forest and the first patches of snow. Turning uphill, we booted up the snowy forest to reach a minor ridge crest overlooking Nels Lake (which we never saw). Donning our skis here, we continued up along the ridge eventually reaching a small, but aesthetic basin with steep cliffs ringing its left side. Dropping left a bit off of the ridge, I continued into the basin and on up towards its apex. A short, but steep headwall of powder snow overlying frozen avalanche debris proved most annoying and exhausting to surmount, but we soon found ourselves at a saddle, high on Bedal's craggy Northwest Ridge. From the saddle, steep, exposed snow led right around a corner with a short but unappealing snow gully with rock constriction seemingly providing the only exit onto the North Slope above. was supposed to be much easier than this. (more...)
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