Chipmunk & Tenquille - via Hope Creek FSR, July 2020

Another 2fer this time up'n over the Hurley and down Hope Creek FSR. Road to washout/ditch was in great SUV driving condition, surprisingly better than the description in SSWBC. Hallelujah! Proof that rarely but occasionally conditions do improve with time! Hiked to end of deactivated road about 2 or 3 kms total (?) then continued across the cutblock on a bit of a path and thankfully picked up a flagged but bushy "trail" through the forest. Trail intersects the creek that drains the glacier between Tenquille and Goat and turns up parallel with the creek before vanishing in the large alluvial basin below said glacier.
Gained the pass between Chip and Ten and angled up and right on steep grass to reach the basin below the peak. Easy cruise from there reaching the summit a little over 3 hrs from the truck. Back down to the pass and up again this time via Tenquille's North Ridge. Gained ridge early by kicking up steep snow, then easy but enjoyable rambling past the "crux" to a steepish snow patch right where the ridge pitches up shortly below the summit. Minimal exposure here and snow was soft with steps from a party camped at the pass - a primo camp spot BTW!
Second time on Tenquille, having climbed it and Goat a couple years back via Tenquille Lake. Views still do not disappoint! Didn't feel the need to bag Goat a second time, but I did briefly consider descending via the north glacier as it seemed like it would make for a quicker return. Decided to play it safe and returned the way I came, enjoying much boot skiing for a speedy descent all the same. Back at the truck for a total of about 8.5 hrs. Only bummer was that bug season had finally arrived and the mozzies were determined to make up for lost time. In other words, no tailgating with a beer before the long haul back home!
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